What Do We Call A Doctor Who Specializes In Veins?
What Type Of Doctor Treats Varicose Veins

What Are The Effective Varicose Vein Treatment Procedures?

What is the treatment for varicose veins? It is the most common and repeatedly asked question by the people. Although there isn't any permanent cure for varicose veins, these treatment options can relieve discomfort and reduce their appearance.

  • Elastic stockings. Socks or supportive stockings compress your veins and reduce pain and discomfort. The compression helps blood flow and stops your veins from stretching
  • To decrease pressure and increase blood flow in your veins, you should elevate above your waist throughout the day several times.
  • Injection therapy or Sclerotherapy. During the process of sclerotherapy, a vein specialist injects a foam-like solution into the vein. The solution causes vein walls to stick together. Eventually, your veins turn into scar tissue and fade away.
  • Vein surgery. During this procedure, a surgeon ties off the affected varicose vein to stop blood from pooling. The surgeon may remove the affected varicose vein to prevent varicose veins from reappearing.
  • Laser therapy. It is a minimally invasive procedure in which a vein specialist uses a laser and catheter to close off a varicose vein.

How do vein doctors diagnose varicose veins?

To diagnose varicose veins, your doctor will likely inspect your legs and visible veins while you're seated or standing. They might ask you about any symptoms or discomfort you're experiencing. An ultrasound may be used by your doctor to check your blood flow. High-frequency sound waves are used in this noninvasive diagnostic ultrasound and venograms are used to make sure that the pain and swelling in your legs aren't caused by something else, such as a blood clot or a blockage.

It enables your doctor to examine the flow of blood in your veins. A venogram may be performed to further analyze your veins, depending on the location. Your varicose vein specialist will inject a special dye into your legs and take X-rays of the area during this exam. The dye appears on X-rays, allowing your doctor to see how your blood is flowing more clearly.

Does health insurance cover the cost of varicose veins treatment?

Are Varicose Vein Treatments Covered by Insurance? Well, it depends. Varicose vein treatment normally does not cover the treatment costs. Varicose veins have slightly more difficult insurance coverage. Spider veins and varicose veins are often considered cosmetic issues and therefore insurance companies rarely cover their cost. They should not, however, it should dismiss as solely an aesthetic issue. Varicose veins and spider veins can appear as a result of an underlying disorder such as venous insufficiency.

Most insurance companies will cover the cost of your operation in such instances, as it will almost certainly have to be medically necessary for your health. If you discover varicose or spider veins on your face or legs, it's important to get a vein inspection to see if medical treatment is necessary and to make sure you're not putting your health at risk.


We hope the above-given information helps you understand more about varicose vein treatment. In the above article, we discuss the effective varicose vein treatment procedures and more. For more information regarding varicose veins, check out veintreatmentnyc.com

Article Source :- https://www.shoutarticle.com/what-are-the-effective-varicose-vein-treatment-procedures/

If you are unaware of What kind of doctor specializes in veins then the answer is Phlebologists or vascular surgeons are doctors who specialize in treating vein disease, venous insufficiency, or other underlying conditions of veins. During his/her residency and fellowship training, your vein doctor should have completed his or her formal training in endovenous procedures. An expert or professional vein specialist must have a training background in interventional radiology, vascular surgery, and interventional cardiology. Other experts and specialists including family medicine or internal medicine, and pain management do not have any formalized training in minimally invasive endovascular procedures or surgical procedures.Can you explain the role of a vein specialist?If you don't know much about What Kind of Doctor is a Vein Specialist, then let us help you. The vascular surgeon, phlebologist are both vein specialists. A vein specialist is similar to a phlebologist. To demonstrate the highest level of competency in the management of vascular disease it should be emphasized that vein specialists should have board certification recognized by ABMS. in one of the three specialties including interventional radiology, invasive cardiology, or vascular surgery.Why do we get visible leg veins?The twisted discolored damaged veins are called varicose or spider veins. We develop them when one-way tiny valves are weakened. In healthy veins, the blood flows in one direction- back to the heart. When veins get weak and damaged the blood flows backward and gathers in the vein. Extra blood is present in our veins and puts pressure on the vein walls. With the continuous pressure on vein walls, the veins become weak and bulge. This is why we see varicose and spider veins. Some people have a high chance of developing them, if you have a family history with varicose veins, change in hormones during pregnancy, going through menopause, sitting or standing for too long in the same position. etc. Varicose veins are a more common issue in women than men. What symptoms do we face during varicose veins?There are several symptoms our body shows while suffering from varicose veins-
  • Heavy feeling in your legs
  • Itchiness around one or more veins in your legs
  • Changes in the color of the skin around varicose veins
  • Muscle throbbing, cramping, burning, and swelling in the lower legs
  • Worsening pain after sitting and standing for a long time.
  • Numbness in legs.
Explain the laser therapy for varicose veins?Vein specialists use laser therapy to treat spider and varicose veins. In the laser treatment procedure, the doctor aims the laser beam at the varicose veins which makes them close or shrink. Smaller spider veins may immediately disappear after the treatment but the large varicose veins or spider veins will first darken then slowly disappear in two to three months or early. You can return to your daily lifestyle and work routine the very next day after the treatment. After the treatment, you have to wear a compression stocking for a few days.ConclusionHereby we can conclude that the above matter provides useful information regarding varicose vein treatment, laser treatment for varicose veins, and more. For further information, please contact veintreatmentnyc.com